Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PasswordHash has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php on line 36

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADODB_Cache_File has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/adodb5/ on line 265

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADORecordSet has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/adodb5/ on line 2914

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADORecordSet_array has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/adodb5/ on line 3950

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php:36) in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/session.php on line 24

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php:36) in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/session.php on line 24

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php:36) in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/terminology/xml.php on line 51
{"@context":{"dc":"http:\/\/\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/","skos":"http:\/\/\/2004\/02\/skos\/core#","skos:broader":{"@type":"@id"},"skos:inScheme":{"@type":"@id"},"skos:related":{"@type":"@id"},"skos:narrower":{"@type":"@id"},"skos:hasTopConcept":{"@type":"@id"},"skos:topConceptOf":{"@type":"@id"}},"@id":"https:\/\/\/terms\/terminology\/?tema=33","@type":"skos:Concept","skos:prefLabel":{"@language":"es","@value=":"competencias verdes"},"skos:inScheme":"https:\/\/\/terms\/terminology\/","dct:created":"2017-05-01 14:22:42","skos:definition":[{"@lang":"es","@value":"Destrezas necesarias para desarrollar y apoyar una sociedad cuyo objetivo es reducir el impacto negativo de la actividad humana sobre el medio ambiente, as\u00ed como vivir en ella."}],"skos:scopeNote":[{"@lang":"es","@value":"\nLas competencias verdes generales contribuyen a la concienciaci\u00f3n y la puesta en pr\u00e1ctica de actividades eficientes en el uso de los recursos, ecociudadan\u00eda, etc.;\nlas competencias verdes espec\u00edficas son necesarias para aplicar normas y procesos destinados a proteger los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad, reducir el consumo de energ\u00eda, de recursos y de agua;\nlas competencias verdes especializadas son necesarias para desarrollar y poner en pr\u00e1ctica tecnolog\u00edas ecol\u00f3gicas, como la energ\u00eda renovable, el reciclado y el tratamiento de aguas residuales.\n"}],"skos:note":[{"@lang":"es","@value":"Fuente:\u00a0Cedefop"}]}