Terminología sobre educación, formación y competencias

Foundational literacies

Definición (en)

Literacy, numeracy, health, financial, scientific, cultural, and civic

  • Literacy: the ability to understand, identify, interpret, create and communicate effectively utilizing inscribed, printed, or electronic signs or symbols for representing language.
  • Numeracy: the ability to understand and have the confidence and skill to work with numbers and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life.
  • Health literacy: the ability to gain access to, understand and utilize information in ways which promote and maintain good health.
  • Financial literacy: the ability to understand and apply financial management skills appropriately and to be able to make a financial plan, manage debt, calculate interest, understand the time value of money in order to make informed and effective decisions about personal financial resources.
  • Scientific literacy: the ability to understand those scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision-making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity.
  • Cultural literacy: the ability to understand the perspectives of people from diverse backgrounds instead of considering one’s cultural beliefs and practices as the correct ones.
  • Civic literacy: the ability to participate effectively in civic life through knowing the rights and obligations of residents at local, state and national levels.

Foundational literacies

Términos genéricos

Fecha de creación
Término aceptado
Términos descendentes
Términos específicos
Términos alternativos
Términos relacionados
  • Buscar Foundational literacies  (Wikipedia)
  • Buscar Foundational literacies  (Google búsqueda exacta)
  • Buscar Foundational literacies  (Google scholar)
  • Buscar Foundational literacies  (Google images)
  • Buscar Foundational literacies  (Google books)