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{"tema_id":"62","string":"Miembros del poder legislativo","created":"2017-05-12 23:19:45","code":"1111","notes":[{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"es","@value":"Definen, formulan y orientan la pol\u00edtica del gobierno nacional, departamental, municipal o local y asesoran al respecto; promulgan, modifican o derogan leyes y reglamentos; designan o nombran a los jefes de los gabinetes ministeriales, de departamentos administrativos, agentes diplom\u00e1ticos consulares, presidentes, directores o gerentes de los establecimientos p\u00fablicos nacionales cuya provisi\u00f3n no corresponda a otros funcionarios o corporaciones. En este grupo primario se considera a los designados por elecci\u00f3n popular."},{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"es","@value":"Legislators determine, formulate and direct policies of national, state, regional or local governments and international governmental agencies, and make, ratify, amend or repeal laws, public rules and regulations. They include elected and non-elected members of parliaments, councils and governments."},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"es","@value":"\nasistir a actos y reuniones para prestar servicios a la comunidad, captar la opini\u00f3n p\u00fablica y facilitar informaci\u00f3n sobre los planes de la administraci\u00f3n p\u00fablica\ndefinir, formular y orientar la pol\u00edtica del gobierno nacional, regional, provincial o municipal\nelaborar, ratificar, modificar o derogar leyes y reglamentos dentro de un marco legislativo o constitucional\nnegociar con otros miembros del poder legislativo y representantes de grupos de inter\u00e9s social para conciliar intereses opuestos y establecer pol\u00edticas y acuerdos\nexaminar cuestiones de inter\u00e9s para el p\u00fablico y defender los intereses del electorado al que representan\npresidir los trabajos de los cuerpos legislativos y de los concejos deliberantes del gobierno y de las asambleas legislativas de la naci\u00f3n, regi\u00f3n, provincia o municipio, y participar en dichos trabajos\nintegrar concejos deliberantes de la Administraci\u00f3n P\u00fablica o comisiones oficiales\ndirigir, en su calidad de miembros del gobierno, a los administradores y a los funcionarios de los departamentos ministeriales y de los \u00f3rganos que de ellos dependen en cuanto a la interpretaci\u00f3n y aplicaci\u00f3n de la pol\u00edtica del gobierno\n"},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"es","@value":"Tasks include\n\nnegotiating with other legislators and representatives of interest groups in order to reconcile differing interests, and to create policies and agreements\ninvestigating matters of concern to the public and promoting the interests of the constituencies which they represent\nmaking, ratifying, amending or repealing laws, public rules and regulations within a statutory or constitutional framewor\npresiding over or participating in the proceedings of legislative bodies and administrative councils of national, state, regional or local governments or legislative assemblies\ndetermining, formulating and directing policies of national, state, regional or local governments\nserving on government administrative boards or official committees;\nattending community functions and meetings to provide service to the community, understand public opinion and provide information on government plans\nas members of the government, directing senior administrators and officials of government departments and agencies in the interpretation and implementation of government policies.\n"}]}