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{"tema_id":"262","string":"T\u00e9cnicos y asistentes farmac\u00e9uticos","created":"2017-05-13 12:19:16","code":"3213","notes":[{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"es","@value":"Realizan diversas tareas relacionadas con la dispensaci\u00f3n de medicamentos bajo la supervisi\u00f3n de un farmac\u00e9utico u otro profesional de la salud."},{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"en","@value":"Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants perform a variety of tasks associated with dispensing medicinal products under the guidance of a pharmacist or other health professional."},{"@type":"Nota de alcance","@lang":"es","@value":"Algunas ocupaciones afines clasificadas en otra parte:\n\nSupervisor de producci\u00f3n de farmac\u00e9uticos - 3122\nFarmac\u00e9utico - 2262\nBacteri\u00f3logo de farmac\u00e9utica - 2131\nT\u00e9cnico qu\u00edmico de productos farmac\u00e9uticos - 3116\nAuxiliar de farmacia - 5329\n"},{"@type":"Nota de alcance","@lang":"en","@value":"Examples of the occupations classified here:\n\nPharmaceutical assistant\nDispensing technician\nPharmaceutical technician\n"},{"@type":"Nota de alcance","@lang":"en","@value":"Some related occupations classified elsewhere:\n\nPharmacology technician - 3141\nPharmacist - 2262\nPharmacy aide - 5329\n"},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"es","@value":"\nLimpiar y preparar los equipos y recipientes utilizados para preparar y dispensar medicamentos y compuestos farmac\u00e9uticos.\nFijar los precios de las recetas dispensadas y registrarlas; crear y mantener carpetas para cada paciente en las que debe incluirse las listas de los medicamentos tomados por los pacientes.\nLlenar y etiquetar los envases con los medicamentos prescritos.\nRecibir y dispensar las recetas o solicitudes prescritas por los profesionales de la salud y verificar que la informaci\u00f3n aportada est\u00e9 completa y sea exacta de acuerdo con las normas de mantenimiento de los registros m\u00e9dicos.\nPreparar medicamentos y otros compuestos farmac\u00e9uticos, bajo la supervisi\u00f3n de un farmac\u00e9utico u otro profesional de la salud.\nDispensar medicamentos y otros f\u00e1rmacos a los clientes y dar instrucciones orales y escritas sobre su uso, seg\u00fan lo prescrito por los m\u00e9dicos, veterinarios u otros profesionales de la salud.\nAlmacenar los medicamentos en condiciones adecuadas de conservaci\u00f3n y seguridad.\nPrestar asistencia a los clientes, respondiendo a sus preguntas, localizar los art\u00edculos remiti\u00e9ndolos al farmac\u00e9utico cuando soliciten informaci\u00f3n sobre la medicaci\u00f3n.\nOrdenar, clasificar y contar las existencias de medicamentos, productos qu\u00edmicos y materiales e ingresar los datos al inventario en un sistema de registro.\nDesempe\u00f1ar tareas afines.\n"},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"en","@value":"Tasks include\n\nordering, labelling, and counting stocks of medications, chemicals and supplies, and entering inventory data into record-keeping systems\nassisting clients by answering questions, locating items or referring them to a pharmacist for medication information\nmaintaining proper storage and security conditions for drugs\ndispensing medicines and drugs to clients and giving written and oral instructions on their use, as prescribed by medical doctors, veterinarians or other health professionals\npreparing medications and other pharmaceutical compounds under the guidance of a pharmacist or other health professional\nreceiving prescriptions or refill requests from health professionals and verifying that information is complete and accurate according to medical record-keeping standards\nfilling and labelling containers with prescribed medications\npricing and filing prescriptions that have been filled and establishing and maintaining patient records, including lists of medications taken by individual patients\ncleaning and preparing equipment and containers used to prepare and dispense medicines and pharmaceutical compounds.\n"}]}