Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PasswordHash has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php on line 36

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ADODB_Cache_File has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/adodb5/ on line 265

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{"tema_id":"252","string":"T\u00e9cnicos m\u00e9dicos y farmac\u00e9uticos","created":"2017-05-13 12:15:32","code":"321","notes":[{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"es","@value":"Realizan tareas t\u00e9cnicas para apoyar las actividades de diagn\u00f3stico y tratamiento de dolencias, enfermedades, lesiones y discapacidades."},{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"en","@value":"Medical and pharmaceutical technicians perform technical tasks to assist in diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments."},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"es","@value":"\npreparar medicamentos y otros compuestos farmac\u00e9uticos bajo la orientaci\u00f3n de farmac\u00e9uticos\ndispensar radiof\u00e1rmacos o radiaciones a los pacientes para detectar o tratar enfermedades;\nprobar y manejar equipos de producci\u00f3n de im\u00e1genes m\u00e9dicas como, radiograf\u00edas, ecograf\u00edas y ultrasonido;\nrealizar pruebas cl\u00ednicas con muestras de fluidos y tejidos corporales;\ndise\u00f1ar, instalar, mantener y reparar dispositivos y aparatos m\u00e9dicos y dentales.\n"},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"en","@value":"Tasks performed usually include:\n\npreparing medications and other pharmaceutical compounds under the guidance of pharmacists\nadministering radiopharmaceuticals or radiation to patients to detect or treat diseases\ntesting and operating radiographic, ultrasound and other medical imaging equipment\nperforming clinical tests on specimens of bodily fluids and tissues\ndesigning, fitting, servicing and repairing medical and dental devices and appliances\n"}]}