Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PasswordHash has a deprecated constructor in /home/qualific/public_html/terms/common/include/class-phpass.php on line 36

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{"tema_id":"225","string":"T\u00e9cnicos y controladores en navegaci\u00f3n mar\u00edtima y aeron\u00e1utica","created":"2017-05-13 12:07:36","code":"315","notes":[{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"es","@value":"Realizan funciones de mando, dirigen la navegaci\u00f3n de buques y aeronaves; desempe\u00f1an funciones t\u00e9cnicas precisas para garantizar la seguridad y eficacia de los desplazamientos y operaciones de dichos buques y aeronaves; desarrollan sistemas de control a\u00e9reo el\u00e9ctricos, electromec\u00e1nicos y computarizados."},{"@type":"Definition note","@lang":"en","@value":"Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians command and navigate ships and aircraft; perform technical functions to ensure safe and efficient movement and operations; and develop electrical, electromechanical and computerized air control systems."},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"es","@value":"\nasumir el mando, dirigir su navegaci\u00f3n y dirigir los desplazamientos\ncontrolar el funcionamiento de los equipos mec\u00e1nicos, el\u00e9ctricos y electr\u00f3nicos a bordo de los buques o de las aeronaves\nDesarrollar sistemas de control a\u00e9reo el\u00e9ctrico, electromec\u00e1nicos y computarizados\n"},{"@type":"Tareas","@lang":"en","@value":"Tasks performed usually include:\n\ndirecting the movements of ships or aircraft\ncontrolling the operation of mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment on board ship or on aircraft, commanding and navigating ships or aircraft\neveloping electrical, electromechanical and computerized air control systems\n"}]}